Data Center Control and Monitoring Software

In recent years, which is known as the age of technology and information. There are hundreds of manufacturers and distributors of control and monitoring software in management fields, so choosing the best option may be a bit confusing and difficult. So it can be said that the first and most important thing in choosing this is to check the capabilities that each of these distributors provide to their users.

 Mobtaker software is generally divided into two products, this division is divided into single site and scattered sites, and in each of these categories, unique capabilities are provided to the user.

Single site control and monitoring software: Data center sites are sometimes scattered and sometimes exist as a single site; But what is meant by single site? Imagine that your site is a single site with a specific location due to security reasons, and the priorities are control and monitoring with the equipment inside the site, as a result, the Mobtaker company has developed a software for this purpose under the title of centralized site control and monitoring software or MOBTAKER-DCIM has designed

Scattered sites control and monitoring software: This section, which was called MOBTAKER-SCP, is for the purpose of controlling and monitoring scattered sites in different geographical locations. We know that sites can exist as a single site in one location or as several scattered sites in several locations. As a result, the Mobtaker group has made it possible to display all scattered sites under an offline GIS map and control facilities and Apply monitoring for each of them separately

What does Mobtaker control and monitoring software provide us?

- The possibility of customization according to the project

- Full control and monitoring without restrictions on development

The Mobtaker control and monitoring software provides specific facilities to the user in both single site groups and scattered sites. These facilities are divided into three main groups. This category includes:

Control: The first category of capabilities includes control items. According to this section, you can control all the outputs, etc. You can also set up a process on the site by defining the types of conditions and control scenarios.

Event recording: This feature has three layers, and we will examine each of these layers below.

The first level: This level, which is also known as general event registration, records all the parameters and elements of the software in specific time intervals and stores them in the database. This feature generally categorizes and stores information, and it should be noted that all these processes are done automatically.

Second level: This feature, which is also referred to as event registration, allows the user to select specific time periods and changes to record events from their desired elements. In this way, it is possible to receive a more accurate report of high sensitivity parameters. It should also be noted that in displaying reports, this level has a higher priority than the previous level.

The third level: This section is the last and most accurate level of event registration, and in addition to the items in the second level, the user can select a particular component of the desired parameter in the previous level for the purpose of reporting and record events. It should also be noted that this level of event recording has the highest priority in display and reporting.

Monitoring: monitoring of elements, monitoring of equipment performance, etc. are among the factors that show the importance of monitoring capabilities. Therefore, the Mobtaker software provides complete features to the user with the help of various monitoring dashboards.

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