The company's chilled water InRows is designed in such a way to ensure that cooling capacity relatively matches the load generated inside the isles. Chilled water InRows manufactured by Mobtaker industrial group could be a perfect choice in data centers with high load density and in cases where users seek to improve efficiency. The chilled water InRows have some advantages over other InRows, for example they obviate the need for transition of high-pressure refrigerator gas through copper piping the interior spaces of the data center and also outdoor space. On the other hand, in spaces where there is a considerable height difference between the interior space of the data center and the outdoor space and the DX systems is not applicable due to pressure drop, the chilled water InRows coming with powerful pumps could be a perfect choice. The products of this industrial group are offered in a variety of sizes and capacities. The chilled water InRows with 3-way electronic valve and variable speed fans, guarantee optimum temperature control in data center aisels. Products in this category can have optimal operation only when they come with chillers with adequate capacity.